The common name for the vertical transportation system that moves between sections along the concave outermost wall of the habitats.
Lift cars were designed to hold eight individuals, all belted in. Each car was about five feet high, longer and wider than most elevators, with four seats arranged along the back wall between two seats along each side. All were fully equipped with safety belts and shoulder restraints. They traveled approximately 48 kilometers (30 miles) an hour, resulting in a trip from the top of the habitat to the bottom in about 10 minutes. Lifts could be found on three floors in each section.
Cars were held until the system found a slot to insert them into the line of cars already running. Some were said to find the initial launch and vertical toss disquieting.
Standard terminology in the habitats was to use the term lift to refer to the cars and the act of riding.
Ex. "Let's lift to Section One".