The Charter is the basis upon which all residents of the Habitats and future generations have placed themselves. It guarantees equality and provides the rights and responsibilities of those who have signed it and agreed to live under its provisions. The Charter codifies the lowest two tiers of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs as entitlements. The Charter requires honesty and transparency from those who serve as representatives, leaders, and journalists and anyone who speaks or writes publicly.

Contrary to popular belief, the Charter does not forbid lying. The only people forbidden to lie are those who are in charge or hold sensitive positions, those who report on the news. Anyone who attempts to shape public opinion must always base their information on facts. There were no inhibitions forbidding lying to those outside the Charter who might harm our society. Those living in the habitats were sensitive to the dishonesty being promulgated on the surface at the time and placed a high value on truth and honesty between themselves.

Read the Charter.